Merci Beaucoup (December Reflections 30)

The penultimate prompt for the 2019 December Reflections is: Thank you for…

I can offer nothing startling in response to this prompt – the usual gratitude for my health and continuing existence, I suppose. At my age this is definitely something to be grateful for! But who do I offer those thanks to? I do not believe in a higher power. I do not believe that I owe thanks to any one being for my state of existence or current health.

That I am thankful to my partner for all that he does for me on a daily basis goes without saying. I need to add nothing here.

I might note my thanks to my wonderful Father-in-Law, who died in 2019, for being … what? for being his perfect self. For showing me what acceptance is. For giving me an elder figure that I could actually love. I miss him even though I never got to know him as well as I might have done. We were geographically distant.

I would also like to thank Susannah Conway for this series of prompts that got me thing and started me writing again. I hope that my responses have been interesting nd have helped to revive this old blog of mine.

One thing that I can do is to say thank you to France and to the Department of La Vienne for my Carte de Sejour – my Right to Stay in France is documented. It gives me some confidence that post-Brexit things may be well. It is impossible to say at this stage how matters will unfold but the fact is that without my CdS, I would be feeling far unhappier and much more nervous.

Merci beaucoup, mes amis. Vive la France!

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