Knitting Intention

We are planning a getaway in the van. Slightly warmer weather will be with us by next weekend and we have a hankering for the sea. Much depends on M. Macron. We won’t be surprised if we are locked down again but in the meantime, van cleaning and packing has begun.

I have sorted out some knitting. I recently bought a sari fabric bag from Darn Good Yarn and this is to be my new project bag. I have packed the Baktus scarf and a sock WIP. Tomorrow I am going to put up a hook upon which the bag will travel.

A pretty thing but also very practical.

With a touch of luck, fair weather and a following wind… I may get a few rows done while we are gone.

Now, do I need a second bag for my journaling materials?

One Comment

  1. January 30, 2021

    Ha, I was thinking about you the other day…

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