It’s always the same

Yesterday afternoon I went out to my van and I chain-plied the first bobbin  of the purple BFL. I didn’t want to and I could tell that I wasn’t really in the right frame of mind but I was feeling the time-pressure, knowing that we would be out all day tomorrow. Of course, I made a complete pig’s ear of the task and my yarn looks horrible.

Looking better are the pair of North Ron skeins. I managed to match a pair to within 2 grams. How good is that?  I need to count the loops for the yardage and then label them and I can call them done and ready.

The Argent curl is all but finished. It is, as I predicted, quite small and so I am knitting on until the yarn runs out, rather than stopping at the end of a complete pattern repeat. It will look okay and I may get a precious extra inch out of it… so I shall be casting off today rather than having it done last night. I am short of my blocking wires at present so cannot get straight on to sorting that out.

The main reason that the curl was not completed last night was because Mr L announced it to be a glorious evening, with the tide out, and instructed me to grab a camera and the closest dog.


I don’t think Suzie will be doing many more of these as we had to go at a snail’s pace for her and then carry her back up to the road when we were done. She really is better left at home these days.

When we got in, Mr L checked the forecast for Friday, when we have the car booked on the ferry to go to town. Gale force winds?! and heavy rain. Oh, yuck. That would be right though – nice weather during the working week and rubbish weather for the days off.

Today is, as predicted, absolutely glorious. Although the forecast winds speeds have been moderated for tomorrow, the boat sailing from Kirkwall to Sanday tomorrow is currently under review due to on-going technical issues with the Varagen.  All in all? We chose to cancel and stay home. It will give me an extra day for my spinning, though I cannot promise that the second skein will go any better than the first.

I have been looking up Suzie’s adoption certificate and found that her birthday-with-us is one day after our birthday-with-this house. She has been with us for 15 years, come September. We shall have been on the island for nine. How time flies.

Our chooks are a bit sickly. I have been conferring with the vets via email and phone and sending photos for diagnosis. We reached a position yesterday where the vet says it is now appropriate to administer antibiotics. The meds arrived in the post just now. We have to learn how to chase a chook, catch it, and then administer medicine by beak. Interesting. This in a strong wind and heavy rain tomorrow too. Oh, my.

To do:

  • attach buttons
  • wash and block BSJ
  • spin second half of purple roving
  • ply second half of purple yarn
  • wash purple yarn
  • finish Argent
  • wash and block Argent
  • go to town and buy some real food CANCELLED
  • organise the van to make a better space in which to work
  • Write up The Changing Seasons for June
  • count yardage in North Ron skeins
  • label North Ron skeins

The To Do list is not shrinking, it is growing. I really must try to get the Changing Seasons thing done today – perhaps after I cast off the curl.

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