
One of the many things that I have done today: blocking the Girasole.

I had just half an hour to pin the shawl out, so the job was a bit rough and ready. I used all my nice large beaded pins. Then I used my small beaded dressmaking pins. Then I deployed my map pins. And then I ran out…

Blocking on the kitchen table
Blocking on the kitchen table

It took a while before inspiration struck but I did manage to pin all my peaks out in the end, by utilising some picture hanging pins! Not best practice, and I doubt I would have done it with a white baby shawl but… needs must and all that.

Needs must...
Needs must...

Blocked to 45″ diameter. The centre looks very dodgy.

I could have done a better job
I could have done a better job

Spinning day tomorrow. This week is running away quickly. Must take my RAK package to the post office on my way out in the morning. Oh, and unpin the shawl of course…