I’m late

Running late today. So much to do and so little time to do it in. I almost forgot to get the rubbish out in time today but managed to squeak in before the van was due and to get my Monday Outlook shot taken and uploaded.

Monday Outlook 18 5 15

Mr L is also very busy today and, naturally, we have heard that the Her Van is arriving this afternoon… so busy, busy, busy and I shall have to skip Spinning group today.

I am caught up with email and on-line business. The laundry is on. It is now time to dig up the bluebells to save them from certain death under the caravan wheels. Lunch will be a scratch affair from the freezer (oops, must get that oven heating) as I shall be continuing to pack my fibre stuff and empty my shelves ready for moving them. If at all possible I want to get a coat of woodwash on them and perhaps also a coat of lacquer before they are moved.


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