Not much happening, though I have managed to update three blogs today:
- Whole-foody cooking in my baking blog
- Fibre overload at Sanday Spinners
- Me, me, me, me, ME! in response to the Daily Prompt
Which leaves me with very little to say here.
Recent DIY efforts are all but completed – a few twiddles remain but we now have carpeted hall and cloakroom, freshly-painted walls in both, and skirting boards mounted once more. There is a very scarily large clear mirror installed in the cloakroom, along with new fittings. We await curtains.
One other thing left to do is to choose which photographs to transfer to canvas for hanging in the loo.
If you want me in the next few weeks, I shall most probably be spinning – over in that corner, over there… not far away really, just occupied. My main occupation will be avoiding the man with the bucket of exterior paint and a hopeful look on his face. I need to look busy.
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