I came, I saw, I conker-ed

Conker Feet, my “Mama Janes” slippers are coming along nicely. I completed the first one in bed last night and then rattled off the second sole before going to sleep. I reckon it would be perfectly possible to make a pair of these in one afternoon, with some dedication and concentrated knitting. They would make perfect last minute gifts.

I shall make mods to any later pairs, to suit my own peculiar feet – detailed thoughts on this are at Ravelry and I’ll report back here as and when I attempt them.

All together now!

I came, I saw, I conker-ed
I came, I saw, I conker-ed
I can’t dany it’s got that I, yi, conker-,
I, yi, conker-, I, yi, conker-, yi….

(with apologies to James Cavanaugh / John Redmond / Frank Weldon and Edmundo Ross)