Hot stuff

Today I had hoped to go out and play with my new ND filters. Having neglected to change the default “expedited delivery” by mistake (counter-intuitively, courier deliveries to our island are extremely slow compared to the more excellent service from the Royal Mail). My package is coming with DPD and a quick check of the tracking info shows my package was signed for as “Delivered” at 4 pm on the 13th. There is yet, of course, no sign of my package whatsoever.

I am kicking myself.

Yesterday we went on a shopping trip to town. Mr L needed some patching stuff for the house roof and I had a generous Tesco voucher burning a hole in my pocket. We went to Hatston for the sticky stuff first, marvelling at the sheer hideousness of the Caribbean Princess on our way,  and then decided to have lunch at the Picky Centre, where we found a table full of movie posters available to take home for a small donation. How tempting! but knowing that we soon will not have  walls on which to display posters, it would have been daft to succumb.

Having no camera with me, I used the phone to grab a snap for the blog. I took an insurance shot as well plus a wide angle of the table of posters. None of these can I now find on my camera, so please use your imagination.

Like alcoholic Dentyne
Like alcoholic Dentyne

The actual act of shopping was the sheer hell that it always is. Compensation this time included a tub of Date and Cinnamon ice cream, can’t wait to sample that! and coincidentally a whisky liqueur flavoured with hot cinnamon. Yes, we like cinnamon, a lot. How strange then that I entirely forgot that I needed to buy a catering tub of powdered cinnamon as I used the last of mine in the Moussaka the other day.

The camera may not have come with me but I did have my knitting for companionship. Mr L’s sweater is coming along rather well and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that I can be finished for the Show. I did one pattern repeat on the trip out and another on the return journey. Neat.  The front piece is now approaching the armhole. Within sight anyway. Perhaps I can complete the front this weekend.

Reminded as I was by the presence of The Orkney Vole on the journey home, I did a little Kindle shopping last night and bought, among other titles, his well-reviewed first novel: Queer Bashing. I should like to start reading immediately but that would rather get in the way of completing Sir Lancelot.

I was ferreting in the caravan this week and found last year’s Show box. In it are all the things that did not gain favour with the judges last time out. I can re-enter them all so actually have more entries than I thought that I might have this time. It doesn’t matter that they are all rubbish things, it’s about filling the benches… Then this morning at breakfast I suddenly recalled that I have a sweater all but complete that I can enter. Warriston still needs grafting under the arms and the ends sewing in but is pretty much a complete project in need of a wash and then it can go in the box ready to show. That piece of knowledge has made me feel much better. I need to finish it off anyway as I shall be needing it to keep me warm in the van this winter.

Today’s dinner was supposed to be Spanakopita – I bought Filo, Feta and fresh spinach specially yesterday but have just realised that when I went to the kitchen to turn the AGA on, I actually failed to do so. Lord only knows what I did instead whilst I was there. I hate being old and forgetful! When I was younger not only would I have remembered to switch the oven on but I would have joyfully whipped up my own Filo without so much as a second thought.

Mr L sent me this link today. I think he is becoming excited at the idea of returning to D&G. There’s no doubt about it, it’s a lovely part of the world. Sadly, the burgers featured in that article are three buses and almost two hours journey time away from our base in D&G, so I shall not be able to sample one. They do look pretty awesome though.


UPDATE: 16:20 – my filters have arrived. What a shame the day has turned so grey that filters are not needed.


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