Ha, ha – told you I’d be back before you knew it!
We caught the 7am ferry from Kirkwall this morning, having got back to Orkney on last evening’s ferry from Scrabster.
The first laundry load is on, the van is almost fully emptied, the mail has been examined and over 1,000 images are transferring painfully slowly from the Macbook to my PC. There remains about an hour to go and then I shall import them to my Lightroom catalogue and start the long process of culling and selection.
Blogging and image publishing will come about in good time. As may be imagined – I have much more sensible work to be doing for the next few days, and lots of it.
In brief: we left here on the 30th September, straight from work, and arrived in Scrabster the following morning. The weather began beautifully and mostly behaved itself – varying however from “glorious” and “way too hot for me!” to “dreich, dreich, dreich” and “will someone turn that taps off, please!” with a bit of so-so weather in the middle. Few plans had to be redrawn but a little flexibility was needed.
We all had fun. There were beaches, fish and chips, forests, ice creams, mountains, castles, curry, wildlife in captivity, wildlife in the wild and wildlife on the wing… and trains.
More of all this to come but later, my friends, later.
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