Clever Clogs

Well, who is a Clever Clogs, then? Maybe even a Silly Billy.

I happily set a number of posts to publish while I was away. A kind of smoke and mirrors thing, so you wouldn’t know I had been gone, more or less. It was only just now when I read a comment on FB about having missed my posts that I realised that anything was amiss. I checked and, sure enough, there were three posts with the words Missed Schedule against them. Oh, I hate it when WordPress is stupid. It makes me look even more stupid – as with this morning’s comment, which makes no sense at all when the previous post had not been revealed to the world.

I’ve pressed the go button on them and they are now published, only under the original dates not today’s.

Posts that you might have missed:

Well, if it had worked, you’d have been impressed… as it is, you may give me the boot.


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