
We have been Goggling this morning,

Mr L came through to my room to tell me that Amazon offer a daily free download of a normally paid app. We investigated; I found the Amazon download app and we looked at the QR code. I supposed we needed yet another app in order to be  able to do anything with that, so we set off to find one and I installed Google Goggles. Having read the page, there was some doubt as to how this thing works and I attempted to take a photograph, being startled in the process by the feedback buzz. It seems you simply point the lens at a barcode and once it is recognised a such, the app gets on with it.

Such fun!

I could scarcely get rid of the old man: “Do another one!” 

The claims for this free app are amazing:

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Search by taking a picture: point your mobile phone camera at a painting, a famous landmark, a barcode or QR code, a product, or a popular image. If Goggles finds it in its database, it will provide you with useful information.

Goggles can read text in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Turkish, and translate it into other languages.

Goggles also works as a barcode / QR code scanner.

– Scan barcodes using Goggles to get product information
– Scan QR codes using Goggles to extract information
– Recognize famous landmarks
– Translate by taking a picture of foreign language text
– Add Contacts by scanning business cards or QR codes
– Scan text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
– Recognize paintings, books, DVDs, CDs, and just about any 2D image
– Solve Sudoku puzzles
– Find similar products


I can see that it will keep someone amused for hours.

Now, shall I lash out 69p for Plants v Zombies?

I think that I have been distracted by my new toy for far too long. Today I must return to my knitting. Actually, I’d like to be spinning. First though, there is a question to be resolved – what kind of soup today? Leek & Potato, I think. I shall make some muffins. Cheese Muffins?

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