Ear we go again


Two very handsome hats are sitting on my desk beside me and I feel justly proud of pulling out all the stops yesterday. I am particularly satisfied with the bespoke Lipper Ear Flap Hat. Sadly, it is a surprise present so I cannot show it off just now. It is very distinctive, and very unlike the ones currently for sale. I have re-worked the pattern as I made it, and must now write up Lipper 2. I can’t decide if it should have a different name or not, or simply be Lipper De-Luxe.  When Gill gets sorted out after her trip South we shall spend some time tidying up the patterns and then see if we can get them “out there.”

Just the commisisoned bed socks to go now…

The coming week beckoned as an oasis of calm but I slowly realise this morning that it will be anything but. It is Mr L’s birthday on Saturday – my plan for the week included a trip to town to buy some nice foodstuffs for birthday dinner. Monday would be pointless – too early, and no fresh stock in the shops. Tuesday is Spinning Day and I was reminded yesterday that I must go spinning as I am temporary keeper of the refreshment box. I’m not keen on going to town on Wednesdays as some of my favourite shops are closed then but… there is another storm approaching.  It is predicted to be as bad as, or possibly worse than, the last one (eep!) The current five day forecast shows winds beginning to increase towards Thursday evening. It looks as though Friday is out, even if I were not starting my new 1:1 painting lessons (yeah, kept that quiet, didn’t I?) on Friday morning.

I shall keep en eye on the developing forecast and decide later on whether Wednesday or Thursday offers the optimum.

The next thing I need to consider is, what if the power goes off again? I need to plan a birthday dinner that I can cope with on a one ring gas stove… and that only if I can find some fresh gas canisters in town when I go! I suspect that our original Dim Sum plan is out of the window this time.

The gas situation is parlous. We have no canisters for our little Sunn stove and the wee bleuet type stove has gone missing  – neither of us  has any idea where we put it! We have a full Calor tank but cannot use it – we should probably be looking for a camp stove that will attach to that, or perhaps just buy a second hand small LPG cooker, and install it permanently in the utility room – that used to be a kitchen and there is space in it to locate a cooker. Overall, I lean towards buying a twin ring camping stove with grill.

Whatever we choose to do, there is little likelihood of getting a delivery before the next storm hits. Must remember to fill flasks in advance this time…

Right! I have work to do -  two hats in need of a bath and some toe-up socks to make.

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