So much for promises! I really do not know what happened yesterday. I plied some yarn before berakfast. I got ready to go to spinning group. Went to spinning group. Came home and had a belated lunch, then began to check kitchen cupboards and make a shopping list for today… after that I packed up the mail that I need to take to town with me and, hey presto – it was almost dark and well past the time for photographing WIPs.
All that we have for you now is one broken promise and a brief verbal report. There is not much knitting happening. I have two lace scarves to produce before Christmas – my own deadline on these is the end of November and there are about ten knitting days of work in each. I have one cast on but am only managing two rows a day. It’s just not happening, and this for reasons I do not comprehend.
No photos – it’s not properly light yet and I must soon head off into the gloom and the wet to spend a delirious day in Kirkwall, dodging the rain and kicking my heels in frustration at the wasted time. The boat gets in at 10:40 but does not leave again until 15:20 and in between all I need to do is to visit the post office and then trot around Tesco. For the rest of the day it is just wait, wait, wait – wait and fume.
I would rather be at home, spinning. It’s funny – I rarely find time to spin, but once I do get into the swing of it, I really resent time taken away from it. I half filled a bobbin yesterday and all that I really want to do today is to finish that, make another — and then get them plied together. That would be my idea of time well spent – not sitting patiently (?!) on a boat for an hour and a half anticipating more wasted hours and a lot of wasted money. It’s amazing how expensive it gets, killing time. All those coffees and then lunch out. Wicked waste.
And why? Why do I this? All for a few properly fresh bits of interesting fruit and veg and salad… oh, and skimmed milk, and affordable butter.
The woman is crazy. CRA-ZEE, I tell you.
I try to see it as valuable sock-knitting time. If today you see a crazy woman, dripping wet, in the middle of Kirkwall and she is knitting striped socks? That would be me. Say hello. I’ll be glad of the company to pass the time.
I promise. I swear. On my life – normal service will be resumed tomorrow and I DO have an FO.
Excuse me, please. I have a ferry to catch.