30 Days Wild : 10

Day 10

Day 10 of 30 Days Wild, one third of the way through “Flaming June” and the weather feels most unseasonal. It really does not make me feel unhappy that I am too busy to get out and about much!

Keeping close to home

The Marsh Marigolds have looked spectacular this year, at least from a distance that is so. I have been promising myself an excursion into the boggy ground adjacent to our property in order to get some photographs. I knew in my heart of hearts that I had left matters too late, and so it proved to be when I ventured forth. An unfriendly barbed wire fence meant that I could not simply hop over the stone dyke to go exploring. Instead I had to trek down our track and along the road to the gate into the field next door. The field was the scene of disc harrowing activity yesterday, so the going was quite easy. I kept to the very edge of the field, of course, walking beside the stone dyke. At a point almost level with our house, a fence takes a sharp angle – closing off the boggy ground. I followed the fence around towards the distant gate at the top corner. On my way, I spotted some mushrooms. I took the best photographs that I could to aid identification but the wind was so strong I could not keep my subjects still long enough to get decent images. I was also hampered by having an unsuitable lens on my camera – the 70-200mm. Happily, when I discovered that the gate was tied up with barbed wire, the longish lens came in handy for shooting the Marsh Marigolds over and through the fence!

It turns out that my worst fears were true – the plants are looking quite the worse for wear.  I had hoped to return today, equipped to climb over the gate without fear of camera damage, but in this weather I think I may be circumspect. My wild activity for today might just consist of indoor research to identify those mushrooms and see if they are edible.

Today’s Photographs

  • Marsh Marigolds/Kingcups, looking a little the worse for wear now

A bit grim

So far this month the weather has varied between “not very exciting” to “downright unpleasant”, with just the one glorious day. Today is veering towards the unpleasant just now.

Weather right now

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Do I mind that I have to organize office supplies today? Not very much!

It is bad news for the farmers however. The cattle had to be turned out late, although in many cases the grass was not ready. Winter feedstocks ran out with having to keep the herds in for so long this year. Now the grass is late and winter feed for next winter is going to be in short supply. It is a worrying time.

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