We’re on the road again (well, we will be)

It has been one of those days – the ones when the earth shifts slightly on its axis.

We have finally made a commitment to full-timing. Brunhilde is to be exchanged for a more suitable vehicle (we feel we cannot cope in our old age with climbing over one another to get out of bed in the night.) The timing is not fixed and matters may have to wait until a policy of mine matures – but there is no hurry and things will happen when the time is right. Mr L is researching motor homes to find the right models for us and I am tasked with de-cluttering ready for selling the house.

It’s not exactly a long-term plan but it is not immediate either. The only actual effect we are going to see for now is the cancellation of our French trip in September. For this year we are going to stick to the UK and perhaps tour some motor home dealer yards/test drive some vehicles.

It is important that we obtain the right vehicle for us, or we will not be successful in living happily on the road. We have no idea whether the house will be sold before we buy a van or if we will wait for the right van before we sell. There are no critical paths and we can afford to be flexible. So, it’s sometime after retirement day in September, but that time may be 12 or 24 months thereafter. Or a week. Who knows.

Anyway, if there is anything that I have and you have been coveting it, now is the time to ask. Everything must go (pretty much.) Bar Billiard table anybody? Collection of Folio books? Four-shaft loom? YARN STASH?


See you on eBay.


  1. February 21, 2016

    Well that’s quite a leap!
    I would definitely be interested in purchasing your bar billiards table if this comes to pass.

    • February 26, 2016

      Sorry, Liz – I failed to see this. Wp isn’t reporting unread comments to me. I’d gladly pass the BB table on to you but the cost of transport would be prohibitive – it’s /heavy/ – though nowhere as heavy as a proper slate bed would be. It wouldn’t fit into Brunhilde. Well, it would, but then we wouldn’t. IYSWIM. Otherwise we could have dropped it off – but she has no external storage big enough.

  2. February 26, 2016

    Ah well. It was worth a shot.

    • February 27, 2016

      If we can find a way of getting it to you, like an empty van leaving here and heading for Yorkshire – we’ll do what we can. At present Steve reckons cost of delivery outweighs the table’s value

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