1 step forward

One step forward – I just upgraded Custard’s progress to 100% at Ravelry. I need to sew a few ends in and take photos, but they are done. If I ever shown the faintest inclination towards a mohair project again just shoot me!

One step back – I set my Spring Cap’s progress bar backwards, to reflect the fact that I ripped it back yesterday

Today, I want to spin. I am v tired and v achey and not feeling very much like engaging with anything at all. So, simple spinning only. Or maybe I’ll read one of my new library books. Whatever, it is a day for being soothed. Kenaz should fit the bill nicely if my shoulder will let me pick it up again.

Spinning and knitting generally need taking up a gear as the calls on my time next month will be intensive: the Melbourne and CISRA puzzle hunts are about to begin once again. We shall be looking for like minded individuals to join our team, Fifty-Nine Degrees North, for some head:desk proximity action. Use the comments or contact forms to get in touch if you’d like to join us. Those closer to us can just pop round and ask what the hell I am talking about…

Right, I’m off the keyboard for a couple of days now, I think. My arm needs resting.

Just now I have to tackle the culinary crisis in my kitchen. We are out of onions. A kitchen without onions does not compute. I can think of many dishes that I can’t make for lunch today, and of none that I can -so it may be home made bangers with eggs and beans today, except I can’t make baked beans because I have no onions, so it will have to be yukky beans from a  tin. I shall be getting the sack.


Melbourne hunt

CISRA hunt open for registrations


  1. SpinningGill
    March 6, 2008

    Onions? Wots them then? :p LOL

  2. March 6, 2008

    A major food group, like chocklit

    You and A going to join our puzzle team? We solved the first puzzle over breakfast…

  3. SpinningGill
    March 6, 2008

    What does it involve?

    (Hmmm… chocolate…)

  4. March 6, 2008

    Usually? Blood on the keyboard 🙂

    (2 down, 2 to go, and a whole month to do them in…)

  5. SpinningGill
    March 6, 2008

    Sounds like a line from a Genesis track.

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