
I came to the blog today to search for my Granola recipe (a batch is baking as we speak) and was stunned to see how long it was since I posted anything. It has been over a month since I wrote anything at all, and that post is still in Draft. So, I have been wondering what have I been doing, if anything at all, if I found nothing to say here? Have I been so busy that there simply has not been time? I’m pretty sure that it is not a case of having dne nothing but neither do I feel that I have been run off my feet. Perhaps simply forgetful, or maybe just enjoying myself doing whatever it is that I am doing.

I have no big news. We have just had a holiday, with Mr L returning to his desk this morning. We failed to do any of the things that we had been planning for the week but we did manage to end the holiday feeling as though we had had some R&R and we totalled 15 bags of “Bruck” collected during the holiday. This week he hopes to finalise his retirement plans. Times are changing.


Photography has been taking up a great deal of my time. I am spending time with my new kit, learning to use it effectively. Mr L has joined me in playing in the “Studio” and we have had much fun with sound and light triggers and flash-freezing action. We have played with water droplets and party poppers and “fun snaps”. We have also been out photographing another show of  the Northern Lights and some satellite flares.

The Blipfoto 365 project uses up ridiculous amounts of time, mainly in researching a topic for the day. I need to dump the theme and just take photographs. That should free up lots of time. I have also been busy in trying to get together a Photowalking group on the island. It’s coming together and we not only have a Facebook Group but also a Flickr Group and have had our first outing, with the second walk now in its planning stage. A lot of time and energy has also gone into my new Photo blog and web site – with much more of the same needed. I am loving the Koken CMS and may well move this blog onto Koken some time in the future.

Photowalking - our first outing
Photowalking – our first outing

Knitting has been happening! My doily is past the halfway mark and has the finish line in its sights. There has also been some spinning. Ah, spinning was another time sink – we had a visit from another spinning group and a lot of time went into planning and preparation.

The West Mainland Spinners visit Sanday
The West Mainland Spinners visit Sanday

Anyway, I now have two skeins of purple 3 ply ready to wash and present for the show bench this year. The big North Ronaldsay Aran Sweater project limps on and is still satisfying to do, thankfully. For some weird reason I now have a desire to knit a poncho. Perhaps I need a lie down.


There have been trips to town, particularly to fondle what may become my new kitchen range.

I want it
I want it

Also on the home front, there are plans to replace some doors and windows. Much bread has been made in my kitchen, but nothing notable. I work at perfecting the basics for now and am pleased with my progress.

Almost perfect rolls
Almost perfect rolls

A glut of eggs is concentrating my thoughts and interesting things are coming of it, in particular a very tasty double batch of Lemon Curd. There will be fatless sponges soon, to be filled with the lovely yellow stuff.

Lemon Curd
Lemon Curd

What is coming up? MUMS Puzzle Hunt week, Knit Crochet Blog Week, and double duty at Sanday Spinners. What is more, they all clash a bit – so Knit Crochet Blog Week may not happen here, only over at Sanday Spinners this year – though I will do my best.

It’s all go and I lack no interest – I just need time to sit down and report back once in a while. I feel a bit like this feather – all in four places at once (my camera does multiple exposures!)

Quad exposure

Must crack on – the Granola is cooked, and a batch of bread is baked, two loads of laundry are on the line – with a third ready to go out, this blog is written, and lunch is almost ready. A productive morning you might think but I have yet to begin the jobs that I had planned for today and I am feeling all behind!



  1. April 23, 2014

    Gorgeous photos on this post. The practice is obviously paying dividends.
    P and I would like to join you for the MUMS puzzle week please. This time, we are at home all week so communication should be a little bit easier.

  2. April 24, 2014

    Thank you, Liz.

    I’ll add you when I get home tonight

    Steve is on holiday for puzzle week, so we can give it our best, I hope.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day

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