Wholemeal rolls feedback

We had a roll and a half each last night and thoroughly enjoyed them. Possibly I have never enjoyed a wholemeal bread more. You see, I am no fan of wholemeal. I am well aware of how good it is for me and that I should eat it in preference to white bread, but really have never enjoyed it. I normally make a blend of white and wholemeal as a nudge in the right direction.

It occurs to me that I should give feedback on the Bacheldre Watermill Organic Stoneground Strong 100% Wholemeal Flour but I am stumped for what to say. I just do not have sufficient experience of, or love for, wholemeal flours to be able to offer any sound opinions. It made some tasty bread, possibly on the lighter side of any brown bread that I have made before. Was that due to the flour or because I added some Bill? Maybe I used more yeast than usual? Who knows.

The best that I can offer you is that we ate the bread and it was good and we came back for seconds, even though it was so filling that we could not manage a whole second roll. We shall be having more of the rolls with soup at lunch time.

Feedback on the recipe has to be positive and I did love the oaty coating. It looks pretty and it tastes good. I used equal quantities of Jumbo rolled oats (as I had no ordinary porridge oats), pinhead (coarse) oatmeal and fine oatmeal.

One for the repertoire.

Now, how much of this bag of flour can I distribute? I am never going to use 16 kilos on my own.

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