The island looks gorgeous today. The sun is shining, the snow is all but disappeared, and the Oyster Catchers have returned to add a little fun and colour to the landscape. I saw my first lambs of the year too – when not dazzled by the sun on the sea.
Speaking of colour – I went to collect SpinningGill this morning and was rewarded by the sight of her new cockerel, in full breeding plumage. What a splendid chap!
J hosted spinning today. Her cottage is on the peedie side, so I left my wheel at home so that others might spin. I took cake; came home with a bountiful supply of fresh eggs. I also took the Jessie Lambdin pattern with me, but not the knitting! Thankfully I had a backup and knitted away on my Skew sock all morning, between assisting Gill and F with their knitting. Gill is knitting a Brandywine Shawl and F is knitting a Moss Stitch Beret – both of which I have previously completed and neither of which I could remember very much about…
Cake was last week’s Gingerbread (now nicely sticky), and a gorgeous apricot and orange cake that J made.
Spirits are much lifted by the sun today. I am contemplating a ferry trip tomorrow. Me and the sock may go shopping together. If we do, I shall fetch some fresh cream home (not available here) and make a nice sponge cake with my eggs.