I very bravely dusted down my bicycle for Spring today and I packed my knitting and cycled off to P’s – which is, for me, one of the furthest spinning venues on the island. Forty minutes it took me, and I got a soaking as I cycled into a headwind for the last stretch…. just as a heavy drizzle began.
Never mind, I am certain that the exercise did me good and I did manage to get my “green of the day” captured en route, as well as this wee fellow – who was waiting by the garden gate for me.
The sea was very flat and still today. The air was less so, though before I got onto my bike I would have sworn that there was no wind! Certainly our anemometer said there was none, but that was because it was broken. Mr L spent the entire morning fixing it. He managed to lose track of Nell while he was doing that and we had to go retrieve her from the road. Bad dog!
Of course, I couldn’t take my wheel to spinning, and I don’t really ‘do’ drop-spindling, so I took the man sweater. I thought I’d just pick up the stitches and whip the collar up before I came home.
At least the stitches are on the needle now, ready to knit. Sadly, I can’t knit them, because I am about to meet with SpinningGill to put The Book to bed. And I haven’t had lunch yet. All that fresh air and exercise? I am starving!