Updates: Cheese, and Shepherd’s Bread

Day 3: still using loaf #2 of the Shepherd’s Bread for breakfast toast and it is still good. Lovely moist chewy inside, golden toasted outside, no sign of off-ness or reduced flavours.

Cheese-making is cancelled due to lack of milk supplies at the shop this morning – they had only the Pure, micro-filtered stuff. Clearly cheese-making is going to require regimental planning.

Soooo… if I am not making Halloumi, my bread plan for the weekend is scuppered and I need to replace the Pitta Plan with Something Else. I am short of time today, even though Mr L is in charge of the main meal (Prawn Pathia), as I have the Open Studio thing going on (Mince Pies are about ready to go in the oven.) That means probably nothing requiring a head start. I do have to bake, I cannot waste that lovely fresh yeast in my ‘fridge.

What to do?


    • December 1, 2012

      Yes, that is what my gut is leading me to but I know how many bought muffins are cluttering up the freezer. I should use them up before making my own. Do you want any? Lidl’s best (actually superior to Tesco’s) 🙂

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