My first Saturday Jumble and I do apologise for its being less than polished and photo-bestrewn…
It has been a funny old week. Far from having a whole week to myself to do with as I please (i.e. knit/felt/weave/walk/take photos etc.) I found myself tidying and cleaning for the largest part of the week and blogging for the next largest chunk of time. Both my fault, really.
It is too easy to default on the housekeeping when Mr L is at home and would prefer my company in the office. There was much to be done while he was out of the way. (Of course, there was the mess from his DIY stint as well.) Actuallym there remains much to be done also but things do look far better now than when he went away.
As for my so-called work room – it has always been a constant tip. The problem of too much stuff and too few cupboards and the need to move six things out of the way before finding the one thing that I need — and then lacking the time to restore order immediately. None of that will change, I don’t suppose — but I do now have five new additional plastic crates and everything is properly gathered together and classified by crate. I can find it all now, all I have to do is be disciplined about putting things back as soon as I am done with them. Yes. Quite.
As for the blog… well, I chose this week to participate in Knit/Crochet Blog week and also to start my new daily supplements structure. I also chose to make this the week that I truly got to grips with dictating to my Dragon. Dictation and correction was a very slow process and blogging took hours and hours of my time this week. Was it worth it? Well, you decide on the content — and I’ll let you know in the future if the Dragon’s recognition levels improve exponentially after this week’s intensive use. (I am typing this post as I am in a hurry, Mr L’s boat will be docking in an hour and I must go and collect him soon.)
So, no Saturday Jumble to show you really, though I did get a little bit of crafting done and may have something to show for it on Tuesday. My knitting got nowhere after finishing the first border on the Dido shawl. I simply have had no time to knit — not even a blanket square this week! I failed to re-warp the loom, so nothing to report there either. But I did vacuum under the bed– so I suppose that is something. (I do hate housework. Really, really loathe it.)
This morning I managed to find time to bake some buns. They are cooling on the kitchen table so that Mr L can have one or two with his coffee when we get back.
I feel all housewifely 🙂