The Changing Seasons 02 – January

Last month I joined the Changing Seasons photography challenge.  My warm up post featured images that I had taken in December but before I knew of the challenge, so were not taken specifically for it.

The challenge asks for 5 to 20 images, taken specifically during the month to be posted between the 7th and 15th of the following month. It is now mid-February and so I am sharing my January images.

Confused? You won’t be.

As mentioned in my original post on this topic, the main images will be over at Runestone so please visit there if you want to see the photos in all their original glory a larger size.

Cardinal Guzman’s post for this month is here, along with a list of participants.



  1. February 9, 2015

    I went over to see the large versions. A great set of photos with some wonderful light. Those sheep looks well coated for the winter and it’s interesting to see the old stone architecture.

  2. February 9, 2015

    A really beautiful gallery

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