Sprouting Wings

This Time thing just keeps on flying, doesn’t it?

Vincent had reflux issues last night. Just as we were going to bed, at a rather later hour than normal for us, I noticed that the carpet was wet. The grey waste had come up through the shower drain in the main floor area. We were up very late, mopping up and hosing the carpet down. All of the dirty laundry that I had stored in the shower was also wet, the shower drain having let waste water up too. Thanks to the delights of t’Internet, we were able to order the missing bungs at midnight via eBay. The problem should not recur. At least we now know that our waste tank level sensor is not reliable. Ho, hum.

My day today was spent largely in the laundry room! Mr L attempted to fit the new battery charger to the van but found that not to be possible at this juncture.

We were running late last night because we had spent some hours on the computers, planning our next getaway.

The trip is scheduled to begin on Friday and if it goes to plan will run into the New Year, though we don’t plan to go very far from Winter Base. We will include one night of luxury and excess, to cover a joint celebration of Mr L’s birthday and our wedding anniversary. I had to give up on the search for  a good pub/restaurant that does not party on New Year’s Eve, so we are having a meal on the 20th instead. The destination is Battlesteads. We have a luxury (but pet-friendly) room booked (with Jacuzzi) and will have the 8-course Taster meal, with the wine flight. Obviously this is the highlight of the trip and we are both looking forward to it enormously. A bath! We haven’t had a bath since we left home in September. I may take two. Or three.

Other features of the trip include Xmas Day on the Southern Upland Way and a spell in Kielder Forest, with a side trip into the Mennock Pass. Ikea may be included at some stage… We have a good mix of hotel/Britstops/Caravan Sites/Cls/wilding. Due to the present battery charging difficulties and the lack of food storage space  we cannot stay out in the wild for any length of time and also have to organise proximity to shops at various points along the way, so it is all taking more organising than we are used to doing. We would far rather just wing it but with the food storage space issues and holiday shop closures, it takes a lot of thinking through. We shall start by calling at Kilnford Barns as we head out on Friday,. I anticipate that the place will be heaving and hope we can find a parking space without too much difficulty. If not, Tesco in Dumfries will supply a poor second place (equally heaving, no doubt).

I have just had  a brilliant idea. Shops should implement a new fast lane. Not for “less than ten items” but for “ordinary week’s shopping, no festive fripperies, no sprouts”.

We bought a tent thing today. It is to provide us with an external “room” for storage, wet coats and dogs etc. It should be here on Thursday so with luck we can erect it and leave some bulk behind us when we drive off on Friday. Must make sure to take the champers with us though.

Finally, but not least, I seem to be feeling better now that I have taken steps to withdraw from my OU course. I feel lightened, if not enlightened. Sad too, but definitely less stressed. Mr L wants me to throw my books out but I find that a very difficult thing to do, much as we require the space.

One Comment

  1. Ohhhhh, poor Vincent. Poor you. At least it was only grey water.
    I agree with the shopping lane. I went out just yesterday and was unable to find most of my normal supplies as the shelves were bursting with festive penc. Also, never throw books out.

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