You know, there is no way that this yarn is going to last out. However, I knit on… with misplaced optimism and a healthy dose of knitterly denial.
Heel turned, gusset picked up (poorly)
Home straight in sight.
Dreading the second (half) sock and the moment of truth.
It was such a gorgeous morning that I couldn’t bring myself to get the car out. I left my spinning wheel at home and took my knitting for a bicycle ride to spinning group. I also took my camera. It’s a shame I didn’t remember to take my drop spindle.
I had hoped to ride along taking snaps as the fancy took me but I ended up taking just one photograph on the way to spinning – of a lone swan enjoying the sun.
I did however get to take this snap
Which is proof positive that a little thing like a few snowdrifts is not going to stop a Spinning Lady of Sanday from getting her wheel to Wednesday Spinning. This Traveller came by tractor today.
Serious? Did the spinner drive the tractor? What a great photo.
How far was your bike ride to the spinning group?
Hi there, Wanda
Did the spinner drive the tractor?
She certainly did. I found her at the post office with her tractor when I parked my bike to mail my swap-bot swaps off.
What a great photo.
I was planning to post it on TWW today.
How far was your bike ride to the spinning group?
Not far – nothing is very far away on this island. This week we were at M’s house. Memory Map tells me that is 1.64 miles. It’s pretty flat, too.
Next week we are at F’s – a little more than twice the distance, at 4.33 miles, and a very nice bike ride, so I have fingers crossed for good weather again and next time I shall take my spindle!