Skilling Up

Don’t forget that all this week we have a small giveaway in operation – leave a comment on this post to be in with a chance.

Today is Day 4 of Knit/Crochet Blog week and today’s prompt is:

A New Skill


Is there a skill related to your hobby that you hope to learn one day? maybe you’re a crocheter who’d also like to knit? Maybe you’d like to learn to knit continental, knit backwards, try cables or attempt stranded colourwork.

As I have written on this subject very recently, perhaps I should take the wild card today… or maybe not…

Regular readers will know that I am currently engaged in teaching myself Tunisian crochet.  I periodically acknowledge the fact that I am disinterested in ordinary crochet — with the caveat that I quite fancy free-form crochet.  The little crochet skill that I do have is probably sufficient to produce interesting scrumbles, given the right colourful and textural yarns.

I have also written in the past about wishing to learn to knit continental style.  Cables were once a way of life ((I was addicted to knitting Aran-style sweaters in 4ply yarn when I was younger)) and colour work has been attempted in the past.  I do currently have a little kit to make some stranded colour work mittens, but I think that is the limit of my ambition in the direction of colour work at the moment.  Like crochet, colour work holds little visual appeal for me.

I already spin, and have begun to weave — so what skill remains that I would hope to learn one day?  Dyeing, of course!

Dyeing is definitely top of the hit list now.  It has been there for some time, as is evidenced by the dyeing bits and pieces that are lying around in both my craft room and the utility room.  All I have to do, “all…” is to spin some white fleece to play with… or moorit. ((There was an over-dyeing tutorial in the issue of the Wheel that came with my Knitter’s Loom recently – the examples using moorit skeins were very lovely and I am enthused by the idea.)) The problem is, as noted earlier this week; I just do not seem to find the time to spin.  Take this week, for instance, when I had to forego Wednesday spinning because of the mass of work that I had planned for myself while Mr L was away.  Instead of going out with my wheel on Wednesday, I spent the day getting tired hot and dusty and reorganising my craft room.  It is looking lovely in there but it did not produce any new skeins.  Looking on the bright side, at least I now know where everything is — including my dye supplies.

I have some chemical dyes, but I also have some Indigo, and that is where I will start.  Soon.  Even if I have to buy some of SpinningGill’s skeins from her.

To read more responses to this prompt, click here

tagged with: knitcroblo4


  1. April 30, 2010

    I’ve tried dying with grape juice and Kool-Aid. I can’t wait to try it again with better colors. I hope you’ll post photos of your progress!

  2. April 30, 2010

    .I hope you’ll post photos of your progress!  

    Oh, I think that you can be certain of that 🙂

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