Shutting up shop

Gill and I have been discussing for a while the nonsense of maintaining multiple blogs that cover the same subject area. It is time for all the woolly stuff to be moved over to Sanday Spinners.

I don’t plan to blow out of the water entirely, at least not just yet. Not so long as the domain is paid for anyway!

I need to think on it.

Anyway, if you miss me, you can find me over the way, playing with SpinningGill.

Sanday Spinners has had a brush up this week. We have a new look as well as a fresh outlook and, in celebration, we have some blog competitions and prizes.

Do come and visit us.



  1. March 8, 2012

    but but but …..
    Sanday Spinners don’t have an RSS feed.
    Whatever will I do without my regular dose of woolly goodness?

  2. April 7, 2012

    I didn’t see that reply.
    Now catching up on my most favourite wooly friend.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day

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