Gill and I have been discussing for a while the nonsense of maintaining multiple blogs that cover the same subject area. It is time for all the woolly stuff to be moved over to Sanday Spinners.
I don’t plan to blow out of the water entirely, at least not just yet. Not so long as the domain is paid for anyway!
I need to think on it.
Anyway, if you miss me, you can find me over the way, playing with SpinningGill.
Sanday Spinners has had a brush up this week. We have a new look as well as a fresh outlook and, in celebration, we have some blog competitions and prizes.
but but but …..
Sanday Spinners don’t have an RSS feed.
Whatever will I do without my regular dose of woolly goodness?
Yes it do
it always did
It’s feeding just fine to /my/ feed reader
Though when I tested the usual wp feed address, it sent Feedly absolutely apeshit.
I’ve a feedburner feed too
which is working fine (and is what I am subscribed to)
I have enquired at as to what the problem may be…
kisses and hugs, sweetie
I didn’t see that reply.
Now catching up on my most favourite wooly friend.