
It’s SATURDAY. I should have remembered that this morning but didn’t and so I missed going to the Heritage Centre to spin. I still cannot get used to these three-day weeks and am constantly addled about which day of the week that it is. So, sorry, Gill.

Being Saturday it is Curry Day but for a change, Mr L is not making me a curry and I am cooking a steak for him instead.  It feels a little overly-meaty, having had the barbecue going on Thursday but the meat does need using. I mitigated the situation by making a veggie meal yesterday (Tagliatelle with  Mushrooms and Fennel).

Norma brought me a package this morning that I was not expecting. Mr L bought me a surprise. A lovely new… vacuum cleaner. It’s a rechargeable hand-held one, very small and easy to fit into the RV when we go full-timing.

Thank you, dear

Norma also brought an envelope for Mr L, a form that he is required to fill in for his employer’s pension scheme in order to get his money out. He duly completed it and this afternoon we took a walk along the road to the post box.

walk (1 of 1)

I took my new phone instead of the camera and once again tried putting its camera through some paces. It’s a struggle

Walk (3 of 7) walk (6 of 7) walk (4 of 7)

This one came out the best – are not these goats adorable? No other word for it. Unless it’s Angorable. Are they Angora goats? I’m not very clued about goats or matters caprine.

Capricious Caprines
Capricious Caprines

In Other News, I have started one sleeve of Mr L’s sweater, deciding not to knit the pair together.

One at a time
One at a time

Not a lot of progress made yet and I am daily more sure that this sweater will not make it to the Show bench this year.


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