
It’s 09:25. So far today, I have:

  • showered
  • dressed
  • let the dogs out
  • made the bed
  • checked email
  • let the dogs in
  • checked my feed reader, read several posts
  • let the dogs out again
  • started a milk loaf kneading in the Kenwood
  • Let dogs in again
  • fed dogs
  • emptied dishwasher
  • let dogs out again
  • sorted the laundry
  • stacked dishwasher
  • encased milk loaf, taking photos of the process (just in case they come out)
  • emptied washing machine and hung contents on rack
  • filled washing machine
  • printed off Malt Loaf recipe

I shall just let the dogs out once more, then I’ll check the milk roll peephole and start my malt loaves.

I’m ready for elevenses.

But I need to tidy my studio and make a curry.


Back later – I may show you my baking.



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