Patum Peperium

“Spread thinly, on toast”

I don’t know about the toast but I do feel as though I am spreading myself a bit thin just now — and this blog is showing the signs of it. I had a day in town yesterday and am feeling tired and strung out so I thought I’d reward myself with a day of doing little – and make time to catch up here.

The camera is catching most of my attention at the moment, as you might expect. We have been blessed with a run of good weather so on Monday I chose to pack my knitting and to walk to Spinning Group with my camera in my hand.

Shadows, evidence of strong sun
Shadows, evidence of strong sun

I kept at the fore the assignment challenge from the Phogropathy forum: Doors and Windows

Heilsa Fjold
Heilsa Fjold

There was more sun on Tuesday so once I had the washing machine on and my bread set to rise, I wandered off to Lady Kirk – again keeping the Doors and Windows theme in mind.


Kirkwall beckoned yesterday and I was much aggrieved as the weather was simply stunning. I did take a camera out with me (and that theme) but came home with few results.

What I did come home with was a handful of photo props that I scored at the charity shops, plus a little bunch of daffs. Oh, and a trolley overloaded with shopping, plus two shopping bags and an additional rucksack full of provisions. It was a bit  lot of an effort getting back to the boat.


A pair of unused curtains for £2.50 will make for good backdrops once they have been washed and  ironed; the dog was just plain cute but had to be rescued as Nell appropriated it as soon as I got home. The storage jars will come in for good use time and again, and I also found a pair of small white porcelain coffee mugs for 80p.

The doily that I had taken to Spinning Group on Monday made further progress on the boat. I am now on the the final page of the charts.

Ferry Knitting
Ferry Knitting

Much of my time in the last few days has gone into building a new website for my photographs. I did not really mean to replace the existing site, only to update it, but for various reasons I ended up creating a new site on one of my domains that was sitting around doing nothing. It is very much a work in progress – I am still site tweaking and have not yet got to the consideration of the images that are to live there long term. The domain has my name on it, so I expect to keep only those images that I am genuinely proud of  in the new gallery. NEWD can be retained for whiffling on about my learning journey.

Speaking of the photographic learning journey, there is activity. Much activity – and at long last, Mr L is coming on board. I have convinced him of the attractions of the geekier side of photography! Hardware has been purchased, and electronic parts, almanacs have been consulted, runes have been cast. Well, maybe not the runes, but anyway… we do now seem to have a shared interest, though labour may be divided. Last night we went out to capture an Iridium Flare and capturing the recent Auroral display captivated the pair of us.

Northern Lights
Northern Lights

After a day of cloudless sky, and with a clear sky behind us, the patch that we wished to point the lens at clouded up suddenly and just in time to obscure the satellite. Well, there are plenty more of them up there and we can try again another day. It all makes a pleasant change from pointing the lens at a passing cat, does it not?

In the post this morning: a Triggertrap Mobile dongle.



With the correct app installed on my Nexus I can now do time lapses, star trails, sound triggers and the like with ease. Mr L has been busy ordering things too – Arduinos, laser pens, resistors and all manner of goodies, including a PC Sync adaptor for use with my flash unit.

Yesterday was the first trip to town this year. The pantry had become very bare indeed and meals had become ultra-dull. Yesterday I scored some Lamb’s Kidneys, so today we had kidneys braised with mushrooms in red wine and some real fresh vegetables. Oh, joy! There is good cheese for the weekend too – Selles sur Cher, some Colston Bassett Stilton and a soft ewe’s milk cheese beginning with “B” that I cannot track down at the minute.

Today saw our first al fresco coffee break of this year and I dried my duvet covers on the line. No doubt we shall see snow tomorrow


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