… of mice and men

Plans for this week have gone slightly agley, as you might expect; there’s never as much week as one expects, somehow.  So, not much to report and very little time to do it in. (though I am told that there will be other times, longer ones, in my near future when I shall be free to suit myself, as this week.)

1. Parcel from Lakeland yesterday was full of delights. The main object was to obtain Easy-yo, which I did and a brew is already being refrigerated.  In pursuit of free postage I added a few practical items and one or two things that I have been coveting for years. We may now make round eggs for Sunday morning muffins – and I have a timer to hang around my neck to remind me that dinner needs attention when I am engrossed  at my PC.  The star of the parcel, for me, was this incredibly swanky rolling pin.


It is silicone, non-stick, tapered, and a whopping twenty inches long. In fact, such stuff as dreams are made of. A pastry cook’s dreams, anyway.

Such a beauty
Such a beauty

I might have to welcome Mr L home with a Bakewell Pudding…

2. Spinning yesterday was at F’s. I actually got plenty done, but still have much to do. I would like to complete the 4th bobbin today, if I can. Cake was a lemon sandwich and SpinningGill brought ginger flapjacks. Lisa contributed the most wonderful rice crackers all the way from Japan (more of that soon.)

3. My week seems to have been much too full of laundry and insufficiently full of any crafting activities. Today will be little different – I have to go out later, so bobbin 4 is certainly in jeopardy.

4. I blagged bubble wrap yesterday (thank you, Gill) but can’t for the life of me see a window of time in which to felt.

5. I set the bunny free to take its chances.

6. Current knitting is a Fern Frost scarf , about 20% done. It’s gorgeous. (Although my photography is not)

whoops, that's a poor shot, sorry
whoops, that's a poor shot, sorry
Fun to knit, lovely to look at
Fun to knit, lovely to look at

Right, there’s a mug of caffeine with my name on somewhere, and its beckoning to me.

Mr L’s final day in Manc today. He’ll be setting off on the midnight sleeper, to be home on Saturday morning.

PS. I stumbled and fell at Colourmart last night, and it’s all the fault of the Ravelry UK-RAKers forthcoming shawl KAL. . .  of which, more later.


  1. Lisa
    July 19, 2009

    Glad to hear the sembei went down well 🙂

    • July 19, 2009

      Hey, Lisa. Good to hear from you. The sembei were delightful, the best I’ve ever tasted. Poor F got a dried shrimp flavour one, which was unfortunate, but apart from that they were universally enjoyed.

      Please mail me your postal address as I have something that I would like to send in your direction.

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