Not really…

It’s not really castonitis. It’s more knitting-as-therapy. Yes, I have a new project on the needles. It will soon be off again. I am rattling up a 4 ply Shetland Lace scarf.

After spending so much time on the web mastering recently, I was feeling very much in need of some mindless knitting. I dug out some big needles (5.5mm) and the 4 ply natural BFL that I scored on eBay last year – and off I went.

It’s just a simple 45 stitch scarf, in a Horseshoe pattern (10 stitches over 8 rows) with a narrow stocking stitch border and garter stitch ends. I completed the first half and cast on the second half last night. Halves? Yep – I thought I would try mirroring the pattern, though mainly it’s because I always prefer the cast-on end to the cast-off end (- this way I get two cast-on ends) and will graft the centre. That’s a first for me. Mindless knitting need not fail to offer challenges…

It’s grey, and it’s lacy and airy – so this is a PS3 “Air” project.

It’s a good job that it is progressing so swiftly (it’s high on the “just one more repeat” scale) because my Spin Off arrived yesterday and I am re-energised on the spinning front and eager to get stuck in to a quick spin-and-knit project. Watch this space.

Official Blog Puppy

Guess who is 1 year old today?

We are celebrating with a steak dinner (chocolate cherry Pavlova for pud) – Nell may get a little taste if she’s good, but only of the steak and potatoes.

Nell is going to the vet next week. She’ll be coming home with stitches in her side. We shall have to keep her quiet. Oh, my…

I shall be needing a simple sock project for on the ferry, so I think I’ll cast that on later today. I don’t fancy joining the round on the boat. I’ll take the second of the rings of Fire sock with me, I think.

Feeling better

This week has lurched from bad to worse but overall, things are much improved. I feel less angry than I did last week and the knitting therapy worked well for me. Mr L is now on holiday for a week so his stress levels are down also.

I have a gap in my day now – the freezer is defrosted and tidied ready to receive the shopping next week, the steak is thawing, the pudding is made, the potatoes are washed and ready to cook, and the wine is warming up. Mr L is in the garage with BridGeT. Nell is worn out after playing with her football. And I intend to do nothing more with my computer this weekend.

More scarf, I think!