Monday’s Muse: Carole Kirk

I’m tying this post to the Knit/Crochet Blog Week post for today.  I have mentioned previously in this blog that it was Carole who caused me to take up my knitting needles again, but never really spoken of how generous and supportive she has always been since we “met” on that writing course. She was an inspiration to me and gave me endless advice and encouragement. I could never really express just how much help she has given me along the way. This wee post is my expression of thanks.

Carole is an artist, writer, and career coach living deep in the heart of Wet Yorkshire – and I recommend reading her whenever you have time.


  1. April 26, 2010

    Aw, shucks! I’ve gone all red now. It’s a pleasure, Beth, and I’m sure you’ve given me just as much support back! I’m glad my brief (and hamfisted) foray into knitting got you back onto the needles where you clearly love being. Funnily enough, I’ve got a new (and inexplicable) yearning to crochet hats. In nice, soft, summery cotton. Any pointers to patterns from your readers gratefully received. Happy knitting and crocheting 🙂

    • April 26, 2010

      There’s a very nice floppy beach-style hat on the Lion website, I know. I’ll go in search of it for you.

    • April 26, 2010

      Something like this?

      There are 4 pages of cotton crochet ladies (free and available online) hat patterns on Ravelry – we need more details!

      • April 26, 2010

        That is lovely! Just the job, thank you. 🙂

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