Monday Morning Blues

I have the mugwumps today and have no idea why. I just feel awkward and grumbly and like I want to swear at the dishwasher because it won’t empty itself.

I was not wrong yesterday regarding the springiness of things – it was definitely the light behind the curtains that roused me today and I was up and at ’em quite early (for me, at least.)

The rubbish is out and I have blipped my Monday Outlook, two tasks completed. The dishwasher is standing open and is half-emptied because I preferred drinking coffee to boring routine.

Toad in the hole, mashed potato and parsnip, broccoli, carrot and leek gravy.
Toad in the hole, mashed potato and parsnip, broccoli, carrot and leek gravy.

We are trying hard (well, I am) to get back in to  the fasting routine. It was a mistake to take time out from it. Yesterday we overdid things on a “normal” day by eating a large wodge of toad in the hole. Today’s meal will be far more austere, a simple vegetable broth.


After dinner yesterday we sat by the fire with the remainder of our bottle of wine. Mr L played his guitar, the cats gently toasted, and I spun  a bobbin full of North Ron roving.


I am going to take my wheel out this afternoon and continue spinning. After pulling out the remaining roving I can now see that an end will come to it. That being so, I just want to get stuck into it now and see the job done. On the other hand, I also wish to see the Warriston pullover done and that is currently seeing no progress at all. In fact very little knitting has been done in the past week, with only the Denali moving fowards and that saw all of four and a half rows worked!

Where has my time gone? To housework, believe it or not, and to my photographs. Mostly to the laundry, which remains ongoing after our weekend away. Nobody told me taking holidays would provide so much work for me to do.

The weather so far looks gorgeous, but feels cold.

Fair weather, for now
Fair weather, for now. Plenty of blue sky to see.

However, the Met Office still has a weather warning out for us for today and tomorrow:

[su_quote cite=”Met Office” url=”″]Frequent sleet, snow and hail showers are expected on Monday and persisting well into Tuesday. [/su_quote]

Although the general warning offers the highlight of winds gusting to 60 mph, our local forecast is suggesting we’ll only reach gusts around 40 mph. Are we being short-changed? No, I do not think so, that’ll do for me!

EDIT: Well, there’s a measure of how off things were yesterday – this post failed to make it into the world!

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