The first Senneh sock is finished. It was a quick romp to the end. I don’t think I shall ever get used to making socks in these thicker yarns! Anyway – it looks glorious, but I am going to keep the beauty shots for when I have a pair.
The Joshaqans will be finished tomorrow. For the remainder of this evening I am swatching.
Yes. You heard right. Swatching. Or in good old-fashioned Brit-knitter parlance, I am knitting tension squares. You see, the Sooper Seckrit knitting is next up after the Joshaqan socks and the trouble with test knitting is… well, it is a test. There is no point in testing a pattern unless you stick to it religiously and that means that, instead of winging it in my usual fashion, I actually need to get my gauge/tension right before I begin.
So, I am filling the evening’s void, and getting my mindless knitting fix at the same time and I am seeking a yarn to give me just 7 stitches per inch.
Let us hope that I can find one! DK does not feature large in my stash, it must be said. Lace weights? I have literally miles of the stuff. 4 ply? can’t be far behind. But DK? I have some cotton (not appropriate at this juncture) and some merino leftovers… and I do have some Silk Blend but would far rather not cut into that if I can help it – besides, it is variegated and I do prefer my lace to be less visually cluttered.
There should be a skein of green alpaca somewhere – can I find it? I can not.
If all else fails, I shall dig out some 4ply and throw it onto the wheel for plying into DK. Since Kettletoft Stores burned there’s not much option on the yarn front, without a trip into town – or waiting for a parcel to arrive.
All may be well… although the pattern asks for DK, I am reasonably certain I’ll not get 7 stitches to my inch unless I dig some sock yarn out. Let’s face it, my sock yarn stash has reached SABLE proportions. I should be able to find something appropriate. Somewhere.
Um. Have you seen the state of my workroom?
Yes! LOL
More importantly, have you seen that ball of yarn that I set aside?
Jitterbug might be quite a good candidate…
It’s not lurking in the conservatory is it? That’s where we were looking through the box of yarns…
Of course. Of COURSE! I am an idiot and you, dear Katie, are a genius. What could be better for the task – nothing, that’s what – and I even have a skein on hand.
Rather a pity then that I swatched and then cast on with some Colourmart Extra Fine Merino DK last night and am halfway up the chart.
Shall I frog and begin again?
I might – Jitterbug is way more fun to knit with than this merino is.
I know – but I still cannot find it!