Knitting News!

Finally…. finally. The knitting box has been unearthed and those two socks that were waiting for heels were lifted out.

The interesting news is that one of the socks was much further on than I recalled and is actually already galloping towards the toe. It must have been waiting for Mr L to try it on for fit. My sock however was indeed awaiting a heel, which it now has. I will pick up the gusset stitches later, hopefully tomorrow, as the light here and now is dreadful (and my eyes seem to deteriorate by the day, alas).

I should be more than ready to knit my way into Spain.

Light too poor for illustrative photography at this time but i will try to take a snap tomorrow. I may use it to test out the new connection that I set up betwixt Instagram and this blog. “All” that I have to remember to do is to log into the correct account…

Made some headway on packing the van today. The bed is made up and I have started stocking the food cupboard with dried and tinned goods. Mr L has packed the boot tidily.

I have failed to find a space for my camera gear but will apply myself to that conundrum tomorrow once we return home from shopping.

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