Knitterly Love

Well, a pattern having been identified, and with a nudge from whimsicalknitter in the right direction, yarn has now been ordered. I find myself very excited at the prospect of knitting a complete garment.  It has certainly been over 20 years since I last knitted a sweater, perhaps almost 30.

The best thing? I get to feel Not At All Guilty when I sit with my feet up, knitting instead of doing proper housework. If I am knitting for ‘im indoors, it’s A Good Thing, yes?

The only thing is, how am I going to find time to knit a whole sweater and keep on top of my spinning and other knitting projects? And that’s without thinking about my tatting and needle felting and dyeing and… and… and…


Ah, well. It all helps to keep me out of trouble.

Simply Arizona

The heel is turned on the second sock! That’s a fair-ish indication that Second Sock Syndrome is not biting on this pair. Not 100% safe and out of the woods yet, as I now need to pick up the gusset and this is my least favourite part of sock knitting, but looking fairly good and positive.

I am considering writing a series of articles on The Beginner’s Guide to Sock Knitting. A kind of blind-leading-the-blind exercise. Probably futile, but it would help me to consolidate what I have learned.

Shall I do it?

Friday Spinning

I don’t think that I am expecting any spinners tomorrow, but I shall make a cake, just in case. Once the yarn for Mr L’s sweater arrives, I think we can cease all expectation of cake. There simply will not be time.

Next Week

Next week is Mr L’s holiday. It is far too sad and geeky to explain why he has taken next week off. No, believe me. It really is sad. And very geeky. But the reason for the holiday will be getting in the way of my fibre activities next week so… I am aiming to clear this sock tomorrow, and spin off some more of the grey/red merino/mohair if there is time. I may pick up Mr plumbum’s socks to work on a bit, but I don’t expect to be reporting much knitterly activity for a week to ten days now.

Sunday is Poetry, Wednesday Spinning is at M’s, if I go. The rest of the week is for geekishness.

What? You want to know? Oh, alright then – we are going to be sitting up late at night to work on a set of puzzles that are released in a distant time-zone. And there isn’t even a prize to be had.

Yes, we would still like team members. We’d like them to be in a reasonably close time-zone, though.

And we aim to end up in the top twenty this year – we made 31st place last year, I think

Perhaps I can knit as I ponder, and allow solutions to drift sideways into my brain while I meditate on my cables.

The Week After That

I have visitors coming! My bridesmaid, Nev (not at all like Madge Allsop) is coming to stay for a night or two. That will take time from my yarn and fibre, too, but it will be very good to see him and I shall not begrudge it.

I guess the Ultimate Gift will begin its journey in the week of the 21st April. How will I be able to wait that long before casting on?!

One Wee Thought

The New Lanark Mills yarn is very reasonably priced. Especially in the Aran version (£1.80 a 100g ball, 132 yards) . I’m giving much thought to my long-awaited St Brigid sweater. I’d have to adapt it for size, ‘cos I am a fat slob. But at the price that this yarn is… ? It has to be done, and soon.