Kettletoft Harbour

The Ranger event arranged to take photographs of Kettletoft Harbour was pretty much washed out. It was a wet and windy day and we sheltered in the pub for a while, to see if the weather would clear. Optimism ruled and we ventured forth after coffee and Kit-Kat… for about ten minutes of breath-taking activity, being careful not to be blown off the pier while we grabbed hasty shots of anything interesting that presented itself.

The picture postcard shot
The picture postcard shot

Surprisingly, I got 38 shots off. Most of them are dull in colour, many are softened by raindrops on the lens. Overall, I was gratified to find I had several that I was willing to share.

Here’s some of the morning’s results:

Rod and Dominique have very generously arranged an extra photography event to compensate for the curtailed one in Kettletoft. We are hoping for better weather this Friday but it’s a bit of a wild and windy week this week. Watch this space, with luck there will be groovy kirkyard photos to share this coming weekend.


  1. Lisa
    September 8, 2009

    I love the lobster pots! Looks a bit like a stained glass window!

    finally stuff for the holiday is sorted out so will email shortly.

    • September 9, 2009

      Hi, Lisa – we were cheerfully anticipating your return at Craft Club on Monday night!
      I’m afraid the weather won’t be quite so good this time. Bring waterproofs 🙂

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