

Yes. I still walk the face of this planet – though this blog might lead you to believe otherwise. Sigh. This was the week in which I planned to get back into the swing of it. With the annual show over, I thought… Alas, it was not to be. I have spent the week puzzling and keeping Mr L company while he took a week away from his desk. We went to town on Friday and I was dog-sitting yesterday.

I did manage a small amount of knitting and will have an FO to show for it on Friday but I was very disappointed not to find time for the full Show and Tell on this year’s Sanday Show. Perhaps I can manage that this week, though I have much to do around the house. I am no housekeeper and my standards are low, but we have reached the level which even I cannot bear! My flesh is actually beginning to creep… Truly.

Today I finally managed to set the conservatory right from the August Soulka studio. It will be soon time to rearrange things again for the September open studios — but that will be the last for this year. The Dyson has been in action and the washing machine is engaged. I am shortly going to get to grips with my little garden area and also clean the chooks out. So much has suffered this summer while I have been engaged in other things.

It is not just the house that is freaking me out – my knitting is alarming me mightily also. Suddenly I feel the oppressive weight of  the UFO pile. All at once I am aware that everything is now a UFO, and not honestly a work in progress. Things have to be brought to order, and soon! But I have some test knits to do that were promised for mid-August (HEEEEEEEELLLPPPP!!!) and Romi’s Muses shawl booklet is coming on line for testing too. My self-imposed monthly Silk Road Socks are now really behind schedule: 1 and a bit June socks done, half a July sock completed, and the August socks not only not cast on but also not decided upon.


Yet what have I been doing for much of this week? Planning and scheduling all my Show entries for next year, that is what! and I am itching to get some of them cast on – as it is going to be a very tight schedule.

I need to impose some self-discipline. The thing to do, I reckon, is to discard some of my 2012 Show plans and review my UFOs to see what might take the place of the newly-planned entries. Then finish the UFOs and drop them into the Show box, happy in the knowledge of knitting two stones with one project (or some other similar mixed-metaphor – go make your own up, I’m busy right now.)

I shall be needing stock for the Christmas Fair, too. And there is spinning to be done and weavings to complete, plus some great dyeing adventures in the pipeline. Not to mention plans to join an Art class and a Photography class this winter.

Phew. I think I need a lie down!

Perhaps I shall find time this evening to review the UFO heap/stack and turn it into a queue. FIFO? or LIFO? or an arbitrary sort first? Who knows – I certainly do not at this point. First: The Chooks. Then: The Stroganoff. After that: Soak the newly finished shawl and block it. Finally: Glass of Wine and a Review of Plans – the former may hinder the latter and will almost certainly preclude writing the latter up.

See you tomorrow.

I promise.

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