Got up and gone

I am having much difficulty in finding my get up and go today. Perhaps I peaked with the massive linen reorganisation the other day. Or maybe it has something to do with the dodgy tummy that I was suffering all night. Whatever the cause, I find myself just slumping today.

It’s a fasting day – I made the Persian Chicken Curry from the The Skinny 5:2 Diet Curry Recipe Book  once again. It really is a wonderful dish – swift, tasty and leaves calories over for some rice and peas. I find that the tastier the dish, the longer I feel satisfied after it. One day I shall get around to exploring further recipes from this little book but for now, we really are enjoying the one dish that I have attempted to date.

Yesterday was definitely not a fasting day and our picnic in Brunhilde was delicious. Mr L had a pork pie – I ate ham and salad rolls, made with baguettes fresh from the Aga. All washed down with a bottle of IPA. Teddy simply snoozed in the front passenger seat.

Cats always commandeer the best seats
Cats always commandeer the best seats

The trip went well and Ted behaved impeccably. He was surprisingly relaxed when travelling (harnessed) on my lap.

Smart new harness
Smart new harness

After parking up at Lopness, we put down food and water for Teddy and unboxed him. We left him to settle in while we walked Nell on the beach. It was extremely windy and Nell found that all of the toys that she discovered became self-propelled. It gave her plenty of exercise.

Each time that Nell put this bottle down it levitated and skittered off down the bay
Each time that Nell put this bottle down it levitated and skittered off down the bay

We are attempting to trim Teddy’s lethal talons today, to make him easier to handle in the van. Then all that remains to be done is to take him away for a short trip and see how he fares.

Knitting: None Done

Two Snails: lagging, but Sunday’s events are gradually emerging into print and image. I believe that I am doing Two Snails wrong and that this is proven by the time that it takes and the struggle that I have to finish anything – with last Autumn’s trip not yet fully written up and even this short one from Hoy lagging. I must be doing it wrong. I need to find a format that is fast, simple and easy to do. Part of the problem of course is that I do not yet fully have a handle on the Koken structure but I believe that  my main problem comes from simply trying to squeeze too much in.

I have been thinking that the blog posts themselves should be short and punchy summaries of what happened and when and where. The posts to be accompanied by perhaps one selected image rather than everything including the kitchen sink. That simple post can then be done in a timely fashion. The albums of edited images can follow later and are automatically linked to the posts by Topic. Write-ups of sites can be done as static pages at any time and can also be linked by Topic, I think. Anyway, if I tackle matters that way then a resource can be built up that is easy to access and is outside of the silly ramblings about individual trips. Part of the problem I think is that everywhere is new just now. Over time, we will revisit sites and that’s when the Pages can be reused by linking them from the blog posts.

Our next trip will take us to places that we have visited before. Perhaps things will come straight in my head then. For now I find it all a little confounding and a great deal of hard work. One thing is for sure – so long as I just sit here playing games and not wanting to do anything meaningful, I am not going to get very far with the project at all!

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