Ice, Ice, baby

And in today’s deliveries…


Ice Yarn (1 of 1)

More cheap yarn from Turkey. The pink is 100% Bamboo, 4ply and is destined to be a half shawl. The grey is an Alpaca/Merino blend in a laceweight and I bought it for stash because it was cheap and I could add it without going into Customs. Seriously, £4.62  for 8 balls!  It will most likely end up as a simple Hap shawl one day. Actually ever since Gill bought my Bridgewater from me I have fancied making another one to keep – this would look gorgeous as a Bridgewater.

Kitchen things!


Mr L was placing an Amazon order the other day and asked if I wanted anything (to enable free postage). My rely was that I have always wanted a Hachoir… lo and behold, he bought me one! I have wanted one of these for many a long year.

Yesterday’s shopping held several packs of fresh herbs (in case I could not get out again before our celebratory meals) that are today in need of chopping and freezing. Now I am fully equipped!

A supply of Maple Syrup and our regular order of coffee beans have arrived from Costco and also today a parcel of wholefood items. I want to bake! Unfortunately there is no point at all in baking on a Fast day, when we can’t sample the goodies.

Lastly, Gill has just arrived as I was writing this and delivered to me a new Cole & Mason nutmeg grinder that she added to her recent Lakeland order for me. It is a beautiful thing and a photogenic one but perhaps that can wait until tomorrow now.

I am going to chop herbs now, then add my yarns to my Ravelry stash and after that, sit and knit. I feel itchy fingers coming on and keep letting my gaze slip towards that pink bamboo. Must hold steady and work on Mr L’s sweater, even though there is no chance now of his having it in time for his birthday. He can have a nice homemade nutmeg-topped custard tart instead?

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