
I am a very frustrated knitter. I want to be knitting but none of my “live” WIP-clearance projects are possible just now. I’m bored beyond belief with the plain socks, and the mitts that I was trying have been a miserable failure. I think I have enough hats for now, so a hat is out. Ditto, scarves.

I looked in my Ravelry queue and found nothing to fit the bill that I also had yarn and needles available for.

So. Here I sit. Twiddling my knitting thumbs.

I hope my arm settles down soon – if I don’t get a move on then my February WIP clearances are not going to happen. On the other hand, now that I know that Mr L is away for the last week of February, I see plenty of catching up time available to me, if I am no longer bandaged and sore at that time.


  1. February 11, 2009

    Oh, how frustrating – can you spin instead?

    At my rate of knitting, I don’t think I will ever be able to say I have enough scarves, lol.

    Must add, the Choc Brownies recipe looks delicious too – I plan on a good baking weekend soon and they will definitely be on the list.

    • February 11, 2009

      >can you spin instead?

      not at the moment. I have a lot of pain and restricted mobility in my right shoulder and elbow at the moment. Spinning is right out until things improve. I can do a little gentle lap-knitting i.e. dpns, with no fancy twisting about (like purling tbl.) but can’t cope with straight needles or anything heavy. Which basically means… Mr L’s boring stocking stitch socks! Yes, it’s frustrating.

  2. February 12, 2009

    Oh, dear, that does sound bad, I do hope it clears up soon.

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