
When I was previewing one of yesterday’s posts I noticed the Ravelry progress bars at the foot of the page. It reminded me that there has not been much knitting happening around here lately. I feel pressured now to get stuck in to some WIPs.

What can I say? There have been pleasurable distractions: Open Studios, hopeless spinning deadlines, dye days… with yet more distraction set to arrive with the postie any time now and a trip to town tomorrow…

I shall do what I can. Right now I am going to spin the orange pencil roving for an hour on the Traveller. After lunch I shall knit for a while, probably on the blue fuzzy blob thing. This evening I will work on the Zwartbles fleece on the Trad. Tomorrow I shall take my Senneh socks for a ferry outing.

But all of this rests on what the postie brings – and when.

Really – I need to knuckle down


Woooh – postie’s here!

EDIT: nope, not today. I can breathe out and knit.

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