Dilly dally, shilly shally, shall I… shall I?

Busy weekend with photo stuff – I finally tidied up my photo blog and have images everywhere that there should be images. Mostly the right ones too, I think.

As I was in Photo Mood, I strapped a camera or two onto the tripod and played around for a while. It made me happy.

Sunday Pot Shot
Sunday Pot Shot

It has however given me some ambition and some inspiration and now I want to go to town and trawl the charity shops for photo props. Maybe take my camera and pop into the Cathedral while I am kicking around. So, I am currently trying to decide which day to go (probably Wednesday or Thursday, but possibly tomorrow) and am juggling the ferry timetable with the Met Office weather forecast and the impending holiday. All this at the same time as…

… reading the entries for the weekend’s Trifextra challenge. There are 99. I am up to 60 so far and have 15 short-listed already. Getting them down to just 3 is not going to be easy and I have only 3 hours left to do it in – as well as make the bread, cook the lunch, get some housework done, and package up 25 kilos of flour in to smaller parcels…

Anyway, what I was thinking was, there has been some great work done and it deserves a wider interest. So, if you aren’t already doing so, why not go and read some of the Trifextra entries? They are but 36 words apiece. Some of them are absolute belters and make me realise how woefully poor my own writing “skills” actually are.

Tackling the Daily Prompts is taking up too much of my time and Other Things are suffering neglect. I think I shall rein back on this blog and tackle only the prompts that actually fire me, rather than making it a daily practice. I really, desperately, need to get some spinning done.

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