Checking in

It is probably time that I checked in here and admitted to being still alive. It has been almost two weeks since I uttered so much as a peep, I know. I’m a poor blogger. The thing is, blogging needs both time and content and both were short for a while. We spent a lot of time in planning our trip in Brunhilde, then re-planning it when it turned out that the Geocaching Trail from Strathnaver was not at all suitable for doing with the van. Of the six caches only one had parking anywhere near suitable for Brunhilde. Not that we mind a walk but some of the caches involved several miles hiking anyway and given the state of my Achilles tendon, I simply did not need to add on another two and a half miles each way on order to park the campervan in a safe place.

So, between planning routes and packing the van, I had nothing interesting to offer and no time to write it up in anyway.

Friday dawned: Mr L settled to his work and I did all the last minute stuff. He clocked off promptly and did a last minute check – I was already seated in my navigator’s chair. “I can’t find Treacle!” came the cry. The remainder of this tale is told in Brunhilde’s new blog, Two Snails. Suffice to say here that we ended up leaving 24 hours later than scheduled.

We had a wonderful time involving many beautiful beaches, a cave, a woodland and a forest. The dogs were ecstatic. Brunhilde behaved well and took us as far as Balnakeil before bringing us home again.

I have yet to write the trip up as I am still working my way through the 500 or so photographs that I took. I did back-blip the trip as soon as I could:

There is no trip blip for Saturday as I had already blipped the dogs in their new safety harnesses.

Sorting the images seems to be taking up most of my free time. Brunhilde’s blog will be updated in due course. There’s nothing much else going on here other than attempting to keep a daily Blip going and an internal resolution to clean up my dietary intake. I’m fed up of feeling sluggish and having painful joints.

Oh, and a further resolution: get that knitting out! It has been far too long.

Today’s featured image is of the ferry – taken from the queue as we waited on Saturday evening.

There will be little progress on the blog and photo thing today – I have bread to bake and general tidy-uppy things to do. Brunhilde generates a mountain of laundry!

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