Catching up

I know things have been apparently quiet – behind the Woolgathering scenes it has however been all go…

Most of is is extremely dull and I shall not involve you, dear reader, in the tedium of life on the Windswept Acre.  Suffice to say that there have been many expletives emanating from the garage… and more than a few from myself, when I realised that I had a cold sore erupting right by my eye.

The Waves of Grain scarf was completed and was poorly grafted, but is nevertheless on its way this evening to be entered into tomorrow’s Annual Show (courtesy of Gill, as the  car remains at the moment of writing, unfunctioning.)

Wonder of wonders – I managed to add to the tally this year:

  • two pairs of skeins, the second pair of which were finished plying and  washed just this morning
  • two pairs of Silk Road Socks
  • three shawls – yes, I finally blocked that Bridgewater!
  • one weaving
  • several “old” items, as yet deemed un-prizeworthy and therefore eligible for re-entry, including a second scarf entry, a hat, and a greetings card

In total – 13 entries in 8 classes. Not bad, considering a week ago I thought that I had nothing to enter.

I did fail to get my Romney/Corriedale skeins in – the second remains a bobbin two-thirds full of singles. I might keep the pair to one side for next year. I also failed to complete the Antalya that I started last year to have ready in good time for this year’s show. I tried to graft it this afternoon but it had me defeated. I think I’ll try a 3 needle bind-off and put it in next year…

So – not expecting any successes this year with my rough and ready entries, but feeling that I have done my bit to support the event and also making a mental note to try much harder next year.

Here’s the stash on my bed as I was checking items off before packing them into a box:

There are a couple of things here that I want to write about at more length. They shall have to wait for a few days – it is the Show tomorrow, then Sanday Soulka Open Studios for Sanday Spinners on Saturday and Sunday and next week Mr L is on holiday and we shall be going to town, puzzling,  and generally doing things together. This may, or may not, include the purchasing of a new-to-us car.

I need to be clearing up some UFOs over the next two or three weeks and will need to prioritise my ToDo list. More of that some time next week. See you then.


  1. Lona
    August 4, 2011

    You are one very talented lady.

  2. […] not the point of entering. There was a great variety of beautiful craftwork on show, from Beth’s Trophy-winning Shetland shawl, to Jim’s amazing spinning wheel.  Beth won the ‘pair of […]

  3. […] not the point of entering. There was a great variety of beautiful craftwork on show, from Beth’s Trophy-winning Shetland shawl, to Jim’s amazing spinning wheel.  Beth won the ‘pair of […]

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