Bonjour, mes amis!

It has been a very long time, hasn’t it? My only excuse is that this is my “me” blog and frankly, there has not been a lot of “me” time since we left Orkney. I do finally have something new and relevant to write about however… I am buying a new spinning wheel to replace my beloved Morgana, left in good hands on Sanday.

Actually, I have bought it. It just hasn’t arrived yet.

“Arrived where”, the uninitiated may well enquire. “At my little Crooked House” I reply, in The Vienne, in la Belle France. Yes, after months of travelling Europe, we are now in a little house, which we are buying and will be ours at the end of June. For now, we rent. Vincent is u for sale as we cannot keep him here or insure him correctly. He must return to the UK very soon, before the end of June.

There is of course to be a Blog for this adventure.  A draft exists at but I am not happy there. Currently under consideration are the following options:

  1. Rebrand this blog at this url and change its focus
  2. Install a new WordPress blog in a sub directory on this domain;
  3. Buy a new domain and start a brand new installation there;

If you have any strong feelings, do let me know as I completely ambivalent on the matter.



  1. Gill
    May 31, 2018

    Stay on Woolgathering, it’s part of you.

  2. June 2, 2018

    If you stay at this url I won’t have to change my feed reader settings. I suspect that scattered thoughts can be from anywhere in the world.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day

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