Blog silence

There must be much to blog about but I must confess, dear reader, that it is all too much effort right now. Too much effort both physically (input is laborious using the pen that I am deploying to help ease my RSI) and mentally (perhaps the perceived tiredness has something to do  with mourning Lulu – I know that I want and need to write about her but there is still a mental block in place.)

Rest assured that there has been much busy-ness on both knitting and spinning fronts ~ and also in felting. There will be stuff to write about once I get my energy back.

Today is the day of the island’s Annual Show. Despite the fact that  I knitted only one piece especially for the show (the Fernfrost scarf), I seem to have lost time into some enormous black hole.  We can attribute much of that disappearing time to the Spinning black hole specifically – and the fact that I spun two wonderful skeins for a non-existent class!  2 more, eligible, skeins were produced in great haste!

The other item produced especially for the Show was my first experiment in Nuno felting,  – of which , more later.

So, just 3 entries have kept me more than occupied. In all, I managed to scrape up 27 entries across 13 classes, by ferreting through old work. Consequently, not much success is expected. But that doesn’t matter – it’s all about supporting the Show, keeping traditions going, and making sure that there is plenty for folks to look at.

I’ll try harder and be more organised next year when hopefully our routine will not be so disrupted as it was this year. Also next year, I will bake!

Coming soon to a blog near you: FO post on Fernfrost, FO post on felting, Goodbye to Lulu, FO spinning posts, knitting plans, and results from the Show!

One Comment

  1. July 31, 2009

    I’m so sorry to hear about Lulu. My heart goes out to you – it’s awful to lose a pet.

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