
After saying that my Blipfoto archive would be organised by author and Category, I have been and gone and changed it all. I decided that the Project Type was the ideal organisation tool. That being so, the Blip stuff is no longer appearing in the blog listing, but up there ^ in the menu. It makes better sense to me. It’s tidier. I may make further use of the Project type in the near future – or even in the past, there’s a few things that I might like to recategorise, collect together and add to the menu.

Free the Freesias
Free the Freesias

Catchup Stuff

  1. I prepared the camera to catch the aurora last night.  The weather forecast was ideal and the word on the street was that there would be lower level activity around, visible from these latitudes. We got nothing. Well, not at any of the many times that I went out to check. Even if we had, the lights from the school were so dazzling it probably would have ruined any shots that I could take. Horrible unnecessary light pollution.
  2. The AGA is en route from Biggar, having been picked up by Isbister Bros hauliers yesterday. The plinth is not with it. Various DIY bits are on their way from Kirkwall,but not yet the wall tiles.
  3. The Balti did not get made yesterday as I found myself lacking the energy to focus on a new to me recipe. I boiled up some pasta and made a sauce of mushroom, smoked ham, goat cheese and white wine. Very tasty.
  4. Today we are repeating the Shakshouka as the girls are laying well and we really enjoyed the dish last week. This time I am adding beans instead of potatoes.
  5. I sense that I am going to need a good kick up the backside to get a Blip done today. I’m really a bit out of sorts and wanting to be idle just now.
  6. The forecast for tomorrow’s eclipse is underwhelming. We shall have to wait and see what transpires.
  7. Somehow my table is full of stuff again. I must clear it off before tomorrow afternoon.
  8. The only knitting done in the past couple of weeks has been ferry sock knitting. I think I shall have no Show entries this year at all.
  9. Teddy seems to be enjoying being an only cat.
  10. Some of my bruises are starting to hurt, particularity the one on my left wrist.

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