Alone again, naturally

Daily Prompt: INTJ

Do parties and crowds fill you with energy, or send you scurrying for peace and quiet?

Today’s prompt made me smile. Having been Myers-Briggs tested on several occasions, I almost always turn up an INTJ, but sometimes as an INTP.

INTJs are analytical. Like INTPs, they are most comfortable working alone and tend to be less sociable than other types. Nevertheless, INTJs are prepared to lead if no one else seems up to the task, or if they see a major weakness in the current leadership. They tend to be pragmatic, logical, and creative. They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism. They are not generally susceptible to catchphrases and do not readily accept authority based on tradition, rank, or title.

Me, to a T.

The oddest thing about these type indicators is that they are said to be rare, but my partner and most of my friends are INTJ/INTP too. Almost everyone I know, in fact.

Quiet time for Mr L
Quiet time for Mr L

Do we flock together? The fact that I met most of my social circle, including my husband, via the Internet, principally in Usenet newsgroups says much, I feel.

So. No –  parties do not fill me with energy. They are a fate worse than death, like most social situations.

This is timely – I had cause to mention only yesterday how most people find it hard to comprehend that I find socialising a struggle. I need energy and emotional resources in order to get out and go to even simple meetings, such as my regular spinning group. Those resources are not always at hand and I can  find it an uphill effort just going somewhere where I have to interact socially. I did not feel up to going yesterday, so I did not. I went out after lunch with my camera and spent an hour alone in the sunshine and the gravestones, with the birds singing in the clear air.

Quiet neighbours
Quiet neighbours

That’s my kind of party. I’m not saying that I like my people dead… but, you know what I mean. They don’t bother me.

More partygoers and antisocialites:

  1. Crowd Control…Of A Different Sort. | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  2. Parties or peace? | Being Special
  3. In the middle, I waited | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  4. I enjoy the noise because | Daily Prompt: INTJ | likereadingontrains
  5. Daily Prompt: INTJ « Mama Bear Musings
  6. On intuition and meeting the author of Shantaram, Mr Gregory David Roberts | Mind Heart Journeys
  7. How I Met Carly Simon | The Jittery Goat
  8. The Quiet Side | Death By Any Other Name
  9. Stuphblog
  10. Confession of a Loner | das Nicht-zuhause-sein
  11. Daily Prompt: INTJ | In Between | Loading…
  12. INTJ? Come again?! | thoughtsofrkh
  13. Daily Prompt: Leave Me Alone | One Starving Activist
  14. what day is it? | thematticuskingdom


  1. March 20, 2013

    I am an ISTJ in total agreement with you on the party-torture thought.

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